Dr Julian Holmes
Member of the South African Academy of Integrative Medicine (SAAIM)
South African Academy of Integrative Medicine
South Africa
Dr Julian Holmes completed his dental training in the UK at Sheffield Medical & Dental Schools. He has worked as a dentist in the UK, Spain, Ireland and in South Africa. With over 70 published Journal Papers, Articles and book chapters, Dr Holmes brings to you a wealth of information and knowledge. He continues to teach and train dental teams with Ozone Technologies, and PRP now compliments this treatment option. He is the Accredited PRP Trainer for South Africa for Plasmolifting Russia, Past and Founder President of the International Association for Ozone in Healthcare (IAOH), Scientific Officer for the Ozone Association of South Africa (OASA), a Member of the South African Academy of Integrative Medicine (SAAIM), and the American Academy for OzonoTherapy (AAOT).
Research Interest
Ozone Technologies Plasmolifting Russia